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  4. Getting COBRA After Graduate Program

Can I Get COBRA After Graduating From University?

I was a graduate student and I have been dematriculated. My health insurance expires on May 27th. Am I able to acquire COBRA coverage? I was a Fellow and it is a vocational academic program; thus, it has similarities to an “employment” situation. My coverage will be terminated based on my being dematriculated. Please advise.

COBRA covers group health plans offered by employers (private sector) that have more than 20 employees. Group health plans that are sponsored by the private sector businesses are generally taken care of by ERSA. You will have to contact the University’s insurance department to see if COBRA is an option for you. If it is an option, they will send information out to the beneficiary.

COBRA would be a continuation of the same insurance that was offered prior to the termination of coverage.

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