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  3. Getting Started With COBRA
  4. Is Quitting COBRA A Qualifying Event?

Is Quitting COBRA A Qualifying Event?

My husband opted for COBRA and it’s too expensive. Can I add him to my health plan?

No, stopping payment for COBRA coverage is not considered a qualifying event. 

Once you choose COBRA, that’s your health insurance until another plan has been made available. This would be a spouse or partner’s work open enrollment period, you’ve been offer health insurance by a new employer or during the federal open enrollment period to begin an Affordable Care Act plan. 

Other Ways To Continue Health Coverage

When you’re transitioning between jobs, having health insurance is crucial to avoid the high costs of unforeseen medical expenses. After your employer-provided health insurance ends, you can consider three options: continuing with COBRA insurance, exploring Affordable Care Act coverage through the marketplace, or opting for a short-term medical plan to fill the gap before your next work insurance begins.

COBRA Alternative
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Term Health Insurance
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Until Your Next Work Health Plan Starts

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people with accident medical insurance riding their bikes*Based on age and state availability

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