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  3. Getting Started With COBRA
  4. Child Only Costs

What Is The Cost For Only Children On COBRA?

I’m interested in getting COBRA Insurance. How much is COBRA?

COBRA is a continuation of the same coverage you had before, so the price will likely be the same for each child as it was before, but that’s not necessarily mandatory. To get an exact answer, you should contact your previous employer’s COBRA Administrator, the health insurance provider.

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Are Your Children Losing Dependent Status

When a child turns 26 years old, they are removed from their parent or guardian’s group health insurance. At this point, the dependent must find new insurance through a job or a short-term medical policy. If the dependent wants, they can continue with the insurance they had when younger than 26, by electing COBRA. If your child turns 26, you should notify your plan administrator or your companies Human Resources Department.

COBRA Eligibility

COBRA Third-Party Administrators

Your COBRA plan may be managed by a third-party administrator. Many employers work with the following:

If you are unsure who your plan administrator is, reach out to the human resources department of the company that provided the health insurance you had.

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