Can I Get Temporary Coverage Instead Of COBRA?
I am leaving a job on May 9th where I have coverage with Sagamore. I have a 90 waiting period before the insurance at my new job takes effect with United Health. I know I can carry COBRA thru my Sagamore with my old company but the coverage will cost $698.93 per month. Is there a less expensive alternative? I did have breast cancer in 2001 (including chemo and radiation in 2001 – 2002). I have a clean bill of health now and was released from my oncologist last year. Should I pay the high premium just to make sure I can continue coverage? Thank you.
If you have a pre-existing medical condition, your best option would be to elect COBRA. Even though COBRA coverage is costly, it would cover those pre-existing health concerns.
Temporary Health Insurance
Many people will look at short-term medical insurance to cover a temporary gap in health coverage. These insurance plans are affordable and may be terminated at any time. They do not meet the Affordable Care Act’s minimum essential coverage requirement and do not cover pre-existing conditions.
COBRA Alternative
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