Obtaining Your COBRA Election Form
Where do I get the COBRA election form to complete? My employer says I need to send it in soon.
The COBRA insurance form should be sent to you by the employer’s human resources department, or the company may have hired a third-party administrator to manage the COBRA benefits enrollment. Your employer or the administrator has 45 days to send you the paperwork. Once you receive the form, you have 60 days to elect coverage.
When Will I Get My COBRA Election Notice?
My job was terminated 2 weeks ago, when will I get my paperwprk about beginning COBRA?
Employer Has 45 Days To Offer You COBRA
The employer who provides group health insurance has up to 45 days from the last day of coverage to send you a COBRA election notice to enroll back into the same plan. This enrollment notice may come directly from the employer or a third-party administrator they may use to manage health insurance continuation.
Except When Employer Has Fewer Than 19 Workers
A business that employs 19 or fewer workers does not have to comply with the federal COBRA law. Some states have laws that require these small businesses to offer health insurance continuation. The deadline to provide notice to continue the work health plan is handled differently per state. Find your state and the laws regarding insurance continuation.
COBRA Election Notice Instructions
In general, the paperwork you receive for COBRA enrollment informs you on who will now manage your health insurance coverage, how to enroll, the premium costs, where to pay and how long the plan is available to you.
The process for obtaining COBRA may be done by hand directly through an employer or online account set up by a third-party administrator.
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What’s Required In A COBRA Election Notice?
What information will my employer send me about COBRA coverage?
The COBRA notification may come from your former employer or a third-party administrator that will manage that plan moving forward. Your COBRA election notice will contain all of the information you will need to continue your health plan.
The election notice should include:
- The name of the plan and the name, address, and telephone number of the plan’s COBRA administrator
- Identification of the qualifying event;
- Identification of the qualified beneficiaries (by name or by status);
- An explanation of the qualified beneficiaries’ right to elect continuation coverage;
- The date coverage will terminate (or has terminated) if continuation coverage is not elected;
- How to elect continuation coverage;
- What will happen if continuation coverage isn’t elected or is waived;
- What continuation coverage is available, for how long, and (if it is for less than 36 months), how it can be extended for disability or second qualifying events;
- How COBRA coverage may terminate early;
- Premium payment requirements, including due dates and grace periods;
- A statement of the importance of keeping the plan administrator informed of the addresses of qualified beneficiaries;
- A statement that the election notice does not fully describe COBRA or the plan and that more information is available from the plan administrator and in the SPD.
Resource: An Employer’s Guide To Group Health Continuation Coverage Under COBRA
What Happens when the Employer Fails to Comply with COBRA?
The recommendation is to first try to work it out directly with the human resources department that provides the insurance. If you meet resistance with the employer on starting COBRA, you may call the Department of Labor to file a complaint.
COBRA Third-Party Administrators
Your COBRA plan may be managed by a third-party administrator. Many employers work with the following:
- BAS' COBRA Control Services
- BenefitConnect EHR
- Businessolver / BenefitSolver
- BRI COBRA (Benefits Resource)
- bswift COBRA
- COBRAPoint Benaissance
- Employee Benefits Corp (EBC)
- HRPro
- Inspira Financial (formerly Payflex)
- iSolved Benefit Services
- Lifetime Benefit Solutions
- National Benefit Services
- Navia Benefit Solutions
- Optum Financial
- Paychex
- Paycom COBRA
- Paylocity
- PlanSource
- ThrivePass
- Total Administrative Service Corporation (TASC)
- WageWorks / Conexis
- WEX (formerly Discovery Benefits)
If you are unsure who your plan administrator is, reach out to the human resources department of the company that provided the health insurance you had.
What If I Did Not Receive a COBRA Election Letter?
We recommend working with the employer’s human resources department. Call and ask them to resend the health insurance continuation election form. They may refer you to their third-party administrator.
If I Have Not Received Any Information Yet, Does It Mean I Am Not Covered?
If I have not received any information yet, does that mean I am not covered? Will there be a lapse in coverage?
You Are Not Yet Covered Under COBRA Until You Make Your Premium Payment
Your employer legally has up to 45 days to get to you the information you need to elect COBRA. If you need to seek medical treatment within the time period it takes for you to get information from your employer and the time you sign up and make your payment, you may have to be reimbursed for your treatment. As soon as you sign up for COBRA insurance, (before the deadline) and make your premium payment, your insurance coverage is then retroactively set to the last day you had your health plan. There will be no lapse in coverage.
How Much Will My COBRA Premium Be?
As COBRA insurance is the same insurance you previously had, the premium is the same. The difference is the employer is no longer paying a portion of it. On average, this may cost $400 – $700/month per individual. Review your election notice for exact costs.
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