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  3. COBRA Administrators
  4. National Benefit Services, LLC

What is National Benefit Services?

My COBRA election notice came from National Benefit Services. Is this a real company?

National Benefit Services (NBS) offers COBRA services that help individuals maintain their health insurance coverage after leaving a job or experiencing other qualifying events. Their COBRA portal allows individuals to easily register, log in, manage payments, update account information, and stay compliant with COBRA regulations. NBS provides user-friendly tools for tracking deadlines and ensures individuals can continue their health benefits seamlessly during transitions.

National Benefit Services COBRA Account Register and Login

To begin your National Benefit Services account, visit the NBS COBRA login page.

Cancel Your Benefits

You can find a termination form to cancel your National Benefit Services continuation of COBRA on their form’s page.

Contact Information

Phone Number (800) 274-0503
Mailing Address National Benefit Services, LLC
Dept 5
P.O. Box 981044
Boston, MA 02298-1044


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About National Benefits Services, LLC

National Benefit Services (NBS) is a third-party administrator providing retirement and flexible benefit plans to over 20,000 employers nationwide. Their services include retirement plan design, document maintenance, non-discrimination testing, and tax filing. NBS emphasizes trust, innovation, service, and partnership. They have a dedicated team for advisors and sponsors, offering support for compliance and plan administration across all 50 states. Their leadership includes CEO Paul Lovell, with a background in law, and President Andrew Haynie, a certified public accountant.

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