Will I Have A Lapse In COBRA Coverage For 1 Week?
I lost my job 3/30. I have coverage until 6/16. I will not start my new job until 5/21. My new insurance won’t start until 30 days after I start. I will have a lapse in coverage for 1 week. Do I need to get COBRA for that time?
Your previous employer has up to 45 days to send you COBRA insurance information to you, and you have 60 days from the day that form was sent to you to elect COBRA, you may have time to get other coverage within that time.
If you do not need to seek medical treatment within the time of your qualifying COBRA event and the day you start your new group health insurance, you may choose not to elect that continuation coverage. One thing to think about is that you will need a certificate of credible coverage from the insurance company stating that there was NO lapse in coverage.
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