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  4. Can I Enroll In COBRA Before The Employer Sends Me The Packet?

Can I Enroll In COBRA Before The Employer Sends Me The Election Notice?

Do I have to wait until my employer sends information about COBRA coverage or can I enroll online? Does the 45 days begin after separation?

Your previous employer is required under COBRA federal law to mail you the COBRA packet with in 45 days from your last day of work or the last day of group benefits, whichever is later. As COBRA is not an insurance company, you will need to wait for the employer’s instructions to learn how to enroll in your continuation plan.

You Have 60 Days To Enroll In COBRA

You will need to mail back the election form within 60 days. Some plan administrators allow you to enroll in COBRA by phone or online once you receive the election form. Once you enroll in a COBRA plan, you will not have a lapse in coverage.

COBRA Eligibility

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