Can I Choose COBRA After Dropping Private Insurance?
If I have obtained private insurance coverage and am not currently happy with the new private policy, am I able to drop the private insurance and still qualify for COBRA’s continuing coverage from my previous employer (I am still within the 60-day time period)? If so, after paying the premium, will my COBRA coverage be retroactive to the date in which I qualified for COBRA coverage? Otherwise, will COBRA insurance cover what my private insurance does not cover, even for new conditions, being that I am still in my 60-day time period?
Even if you have waived your right to COBRA coverage, you may revoke that and apply for continuation coverage, as long as you are still eligible within the 60 day election period. You are not allowed under the COBRA law to have duplicate insurance.
If you drop your individual and continue on your old group plan under COBRA your coverage will be retroactive. It will back date from the date of revocation not the original loss of coverage date.
You must make your COBRA premium payment and send in your election form in a timely manner. Your COBRA coverage will be a continuation of your employers group health plan. So, the coverage will be the same as the day before you left your job.
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