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  3. Getting Started With COBRA
  4. How Do You Create A COBRA Insurance Account?

How Do You Create A COBRA Insurance Account?

I just signed up for COBRA through work. How do I start my account to manage my plan and pay premiums?

Depending on who your COBRA plan administrator is, they may have a website for you to manage your COBRA enrollment and premium payment.

In your COBRA packet of information, there will be instructions on which website to go to for registering a new user account.

This will be the website you log into to manage your COBRA plan.

Where’s My COBRA Packet Of Information?

Please Note: COBRA is a continuation of the former employer-based health insurance you had or have been on. These plans are managed by the company that provides the health coverage or their third-party administrator.

Administration Fees

When a company uses a third-party administrator (TPA) for managing COBRA, by law, that TPA may apply a 2% administration fee on the premium.

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Create A New User Account For Temporary Health Coverage

If COBRA insurance is unavailable or too expensive, you may register an account with COBRAinsurance.com and review short-term medical or accident only insurance plans.

What Is COBRA?

COBRA Insurance is a federal law, not a company. COBRA plan enrollments, collection of premium payments are the responsibility of the employer who is providing the continuation.

What Is The COBRAinsurance.com website all about?
COBRAinsurance.com is a private health insurance company, established in 2001, that answers questions about the federal COBRA law. We also provide an alternative to COBRA if it is unavailable or too expensive.

COBRA Third-Party Administrators

Your COBRA plan may be managed by a third-party administrator. Many employers work with the following:

If you are unsure who your plan administrator is, reach out to the human resources department of the company that provided the health insurance you had.

Did You Need Dental Or Vision Insurance?

Vision starts at $5 per month and Dental plans are around $1/day

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