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  4. Where Do I Start With Blue Cross COBRA?

Where Do I Start With Blue Cross COBRA?

I lost my job and my insurance stopped. My employer’s letter to me said I can continue using my Blue Cross plan. How?

To start your COBRA plan with Blue Cross Blue Shield, you will need to respond to the paperwork your employer sent you. You have 60 days in which to elect the continuing coverage. After making your first premium payment the plan will restart. The COBRA plan administrator will send you information on the cost of coverage, how to pay your premium and who to contact with questions.

COBRA Eligibility

Who Is Blue Cross / Blue Shield?

The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) is a federation of 35 independent U.S. health insurance companies that provide more than 106 million people with health insurance in the United States. It was formed in 1982 by merging the two organizations that named it: The Blue Cross was founded in 1929 and became the Blue Cross Association in 1960, while the Blue Shield was founded in 1939 to form the Blue Cross Association in 1948.

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