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  4. How Do I Get Enrolled In Cigna COBRA?

How Do I Get Enrolled In Cigna COBRA?

I was terminated a month ago and need to get started with COBRA from Cigna. Where do I begin?

COBRA is a federal law that allows you to continue on your work health insurance after it would end. Within 45 days of the insurance ending, the employer sponsoring the health plan will notify you of your right to elect COBRA as your temporary health plan until you establish new major medical coverage. The notification will include your monthly premium costs, your timeline to enroll by and contact information should you have questions about the plan. It will be the same Cigna plan you had while working.

COBRA Eligibility

Who Is Cigna?

Cigna is an American multinational healthcare and managed insurance company headquartered in Bloomfield, Connecticut. Its insurance subsidiaries are major providers of medical, dental, disability, life and accident insurance and related products and services, largely provided by employers and other groups (e.g. government and NGOs, trade unions and associations). Cigna is incorporated in Connecticut.

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COBRA Alternative:
Save Up To 70%

Try Short-Term Health Insurance
Covers An Insurance Gap
Until Your Next Work Health Plan Starts

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