Will Insurance Deductible Rollover Or Start Over When COBRA Begins?
If I have already met my deductible and out of pocket for this year, do I have to start all over if my COBRA plan is the same insurance company? Or, will that deductible rollover, and show that I have already met these?
Your Insurance Deductible Will Rollover When COBRA Insurance Is Elected
Your election of COBRA is a continuation of the exact same health plan you had through your employer. Because it is the same insurance policy, if you’ve met your deductible already, you will not have rollback to $0 out-of-pocket after you’ve started COBRA. You will need to make timely premium payments or your insurance may be cancelled.
COBRA Eligibility
Electing COBRA To Continue Employer-Sponsored Insurance
As long as you were enrolled in a group health plan by your former employer, you are eligible for COBRA benefits. This means if you were only insured for 1 day and are let go, quit your job or have another qualifying event, you are entitled to keep the same health insurance after. Your application to apply for COBRA insurance comes as an election notice within 45 days of your insurance ending. You have 60 days to elect COBRA continuation or waive your right.
Continuation Insurance Premiums
After your workplace insurance ends and you pick up COBRA on the same health plan you were on previously, you are responsible for the entire premium. The expense of COBRA premiums are costly. If you have pre-existing conditions, you may be best off continuing the same plan until another qualifying event makes you eligible to obtain new medical insurance.
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