What Are The COBRA Enrollment Deadlines?
I know an employee has 60 days to elect the coverage, but does that mean the election paperwork/notification must be in the administrators hand on the 60th day or the member electing COBRA has to mail the notification by the 60th day?
Your employer must receive your election within 60 days from the time the notification to enroll in COBRA was sent to you.
- Within 45 days of the qualifying event, the COBRA Plan Administrator will send you a packet of information or an election notice to restart your workplace insurance
- Within 60 days of the COBRA notice, you may choose to restart your workplace health plan. All of your deductibles will roll over.
- You have 45 days to pay your first premium.
COBRA Eligibility
When Does Coverage Begin?
Your COBRA insurance will start immediately after making your first premium payment. Once you elect to continue the employer group health plan, your benefits will be retroactive to the date your coverage would otherwise have stopped. If you have out-of-pocket expenses between the time the coverage stopped and then started, you may be reimbursed by your carrier.
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