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  3. Getting Started With COBRA
  4. Does COBRA cover ER visits?

Does COBRA cover ER visits?

If I had a procedure done during the first six months and I had to renew my plan for another six months, will that previous procedure be considered a new procedure. Also, does this plan pay for any type of hospital stay or ER visits?

If you need to seek emergency care medical treatment within the time period it takes for you to get information from your employer and the time you sign up and make your payment, you may have to be reimbursed for your treatment.

As soon as you sign up or renew COBRA, (before the deadline) and make your premium payment you are going to be covered retroactively back to the last day of coverage and there will be NO lapse in coverage.

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Your Doctors, Clinics, Hospitals and Prescriptions Are Covered Under COBRA

When you elect insurance continuation of your former employer’s group health plan, you get all of the same benefits you had previously. You keep your prescription drug coverage and all the hospitals, clinics and doctors that you had previously. This includes your coverage for emergency rooms, urgent care and ambulatory transportation.

Your plan does not change when on COBRA.

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